README-FILE: Converter from Anu code to Unicode for Telugu Language ==================================================================== This is a parser (technically, a lexer) to convert Anu Software based Telugu Character Codes into a form of text, which can be input to, and thus, further convert into Telugu Unicode. There is a big code maintenace advantage of converting anu code into input text for Lekhini instead of unicode directly. Input to Lekhini is phonetic based. This makes the lexer/parser code easy to comprehend, and hence, modify / extend further. Contents of the Directory: ========================= readme-file.txt = This file anu2lekhini.l = Source file for Flex (Flexible Lexical Analyser) tool makefile = Input to "make" command/application to build executable. Test-Inputs/ = Directory containing sample input files containing Anu code for Telugu lanugage. Instructions to Build the Parser: ===================== A makefile is also present in this same directory. Go to this directory (on your Linux / MacOS machine). Just execute "make" command in this directory. It builds the binary executable "anu2lekhini.exe". You require the following tools/applications on your machine - 1. flex 2. gcc 3. make NOTE for Windows OS Machines: =================== You can download free versions of Flex (or compatible) software and build the executable using these lexer source files. Instructions to Run this Lexer/Parser: =================== $> anu2lekhini.exe This would generate output on stdout. You can grab the output, and paste it manually into, and can obtain Unicode corresponding to the input file. Test Code: ========== Check out "Test-Inputs/" sub-folder. Some anu software based Telugu character files are present to use as test input to this parser. Eg. You can run as following - $> ./anu2lekhini.exe Test-Inputs/001-anu.txt You will see some output on stdout. Copy (redirect) this output to input text box on Then, you can obtain the unicode code corresponding to the anu code in 001-anu.txt file. NOTE that you can see some Upanishad text files also, which were composed using Anu Software in this same sub-folder. Instructions to Modify/Enhance the Parser: ============ TODO Contacts: ========= Email: